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2023Learn About Cannabis

A Greener Workspace: Inside California’s Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

By 21 Apr 2024No Comments

working space is a new concept that has hit the mainstream. Working spaces have become common as they cater to people with diverse needs.

Working spaces were once confined to the confines of prisons, hospitals, and other institutional settings. Now, they exist in places of work and learning, places of worship and community gathering.

Today’s working spaces are designed to meet the needs of their users individually and collaboratively. Users receive specific attention when they enter a working space and continue to receive it while working.

The term ‘working’ space was created by the designers to describe their products as places where people come to do work or learn, but also where they can socialize and get accustomed to each other.

Their goal was to create spaces that helped users relax and take a break from their work, but also that allowed people to communicate freely.

Switch to reusable items

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

Do this for every workspace space you switch to. When you get a new place to work or a new team, do the following:

– Clear out all your old belongings (including computers and other technology)

– Join a local group that helps coordinate spaces and equipment

– Swap out your computer and printer with ones that are 2-3 years old and manufactured somewhere else
If you have to have a new computer or printer, buy the best either has has been used or is in good condition. Buy non-contact dry erase boards to help reduce waste of electricity. Buy cheap speakers so you don’t have to worry about hearing yourself sound monotonous or loud.

Bring your own containers

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

Although most co-working spaces offer free coffee and other drinks, you should take the time to choose your potable needs. Most coffee drinks are high in caffeine, and/or sugar-laden, making it not the best fit for you or your team.

Since this is a cannabis space, there is a higher chance that certain beverages are against the rules. For example, tea or black coffee with sugar and/or milk is common.

With all of these things to consider when selecting a workspace, it can make it difficult. Luckily, GoBX has done the hard work for you by introducing you to these new California co-working spaces.

These new locations are small and sleekly organized. They use designated areas for relaxation, conversation areas, storage areas, and more.

Use recyclable materials

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

By using as many materials as possible, from desks and mementos to books and supplies, corporations are being urged to use them responsibly.

In the cannabis industry, this includes using recycled material in your business furnishings and advertising materials. Networks such as Panera Coffee have been heavily promoted by their company for this reason!

By sharing information and resources together, the network benefits greatly from this shared investment. Networking is a great way to keep yourself motivated and engaged in your business.

Since opening their first co-working space in San Francisco last year, Panera has seen an instant change in employee behavior. Not only do they feel more at home there, but they also meet new people each day.

The space has also seen a steady stream of early morning and late night visitors looking for a place to get coffee or work before class or later into the day.

Encourage others to be greener

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

A working space is a great place to get practical advice or help from other people. But you can also help promote and encourage the greenness of your workspace by offering a coffee station, locker space, or shared computer area.

If you have a meeting room, offer achair to put out the waste bin and put up some plants. If you have an office, build up the carpet and attach some greenery to the desk or wall.

Ask your colleagues if they would like to have a seat or use an ergonomic chair to save them from having to stand for hours on end. If you have a computer, optional keyboard shortcuts such as click-and-scroll might help keep your hands and fingers moving without taking up extra space.

These gestures mean that others can get more involved with the work they are doing and contribute to making your workspace more welcoming and friendly.

Invest in eco-friendly technology

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

A greener workspace is about more than just choosing an air purifier or energy efficient lighting. It is also about investing in technological advances that reduce your environmental impact.

As cannabis companies grow, more space is required to accommodate their increased workforce. To stay competitive in the marketplace, companies must ensure their working conditions are climate controlled and equipped with technology that is advanced.

Many of today’s workspace miracles were created to reduce your carbon footprint and accommodate large groups of people. From air-conditioning systems that filter the air to water filtration systems, there are plenty of cool things designed to help you cut down on greenhouse gas emissions and quality cloud coverage.

Opt for digital records instead of hard copies

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

Instead of spending hours filling out forms, organizing meetings, and doing other paperwork to organize a meeting, easily create a meeting through the co-working space or groupongevity platform using the same information.

This saves you time and effort both making the commitment to join the co-working space community and keeping that membership up.Additionally, this helps lower your overhead, as there are less items that need to be produced and handled.

By being able to quickly produce documents such as an Invitation Letter, Group Management Agreement, or Group Licence Application in digital form, you will be able to send it faster. You will also be able to send it sooner if there is an issue with sending hard copies via email due to speed of production.

Plant trees to offset your carbon emissions

A Greener Workspace: Inside California's Innovative Cannabis Co-Working Spaces

As we witness the effects of climate change around us, it is important to take steps to reduce your carbon emissions. Thanks to the cannabis industry, there is now an opportunity to work in an environmentally friendly workspace.

The cannabis business is recognized for its commitment to green technology and sustainability. Many of your colleagues and clients appreciate your attention to detail and willingness to put practical expediency first.

Workspaces such as co-working spaces offer members access to common space including a fireplace, couches, a group exercise room, a movie room, and a kitchen. The entrance is disguised as a regular office so no distinction is made between workplace and public areas.

The interior design consists of exposed ceiling beams, floor-mounted air conditioning units, and roughly placed furniture to help maximize natural light. The exterior includes solar panels for energy production, realistic weather projections, and welcoming signs letting people in.

Become an eco-friendly business owner


You can start a business as an e-commerce company, or you can become a co-working space owner. Either way, you will need to invest in your business and facility.

As a co-working space owner, you will need to build relationships with your neighbors and community members. You will also need to promote and recruit members to your group, which will require money.

As an e-commerce company, you do not need these extra tools. You can simply pay up for good hosting and reliable service provided by the best companies out there. However, as the host of your website or application, you will require maintenance and updates.

If you are starting a new business as an e-commerce platform, become an early adopter and buy yourself some good hardware and software to make sure everything runs properly and allows for quick access to your business.

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