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Celebrities have been known to use cannabis for years. There are many celebrity marijuana users, public figures who enjoy the drug.

Many famous people turn to cannabis for productivity and stress relief, both of which can be helpful!

This article will go into detail about some of the prominent celebrities who use cannabis, as well as a sample pot scene. As the drug is very expensive, many use it as a substitution for drugs such as coffee or whiskey; it is a cheap and effective way to improve their morning routine.

This article will also discuss some of the ways these celebrities use their recreational cannabis and why it may or may not work! We here at UCPH assume you are able to make an informed decision about whether or not someone is beneficial for you based on their profession.

Many celebrities live in California

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

It’s right down the highway, so to speak. California is the original weed state, and has seen many famous people pass through its doors to enjoy its gorgeous cannabisscape.

Of course, you’re probably thinking of these individuals as heavy users of marijuana, but you would be wrong! As noted earlier, THC content in marijuana stands for “tetrahydrocannabinol.”

As noted earlier, it’s the “cannabidiol” that controls feelings and functions in your body. Many people find it useful for anxiety and other conditions.

As we discussed earlier, CBD has little or no effects on cannabinoid receptors and processes in your brain and body, which is where the term “non-psychoactive” comes from.

California has some of the best cannabis in the world

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

A wide range of celebrities have acknowledged their cannabis dependency, and have publicly discussed their experiences.

While not every celebrity has yet to discuss their cannabis use, the increasing number of stars who do highlight their involvement is a testament to the power of this drug.

Most people believe that famous people cannot afford to buy drugs, but they often forget that drugs are not always bad for you. Some people even speculate that because of their fame, these people are more likely to benefit from cannabis than others can afford.

However, despite the benefits of cannabis on individuals, its legality makes buying it very easy for those with money enough to buy it.

Celebrities and cannabis seem to go hand in hand

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

There are countless stories of stars who have used cannabis, and how it has helped them cope with stress.

Celebrities like Michael Jordan, Jimi Hendrix, and Billie Jean King were reported to have used cannabis as a recreational drug when they were in their early to mid 20s.

Since then, many more have joined the ranks of cannabis users, including our featured celebrities. Here is a list of some of them:

1. Patrick Stewart (Star Trek) | Patrick Stewart is an actor, writer, and former drug user. He first tried marijuana in his late 20s while working on a movie set in the Netherlands. While there he met people who used it for medical purposes only, not recreational.

2. Michael Jordon (basketball player) | When he was in his early 20s, MJ started using marijuana as a recreation drug. He said it helped him deal with stress.

Several celebrities have announced their involvement with cannabis

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

Recent celebrities who have been involved in the cannabis industry include Kourtney Kardashian, Mark Wahlberg, and Michael Douglas.

Kourtney Kardashian has openly talked about her battle with drug addiction. During an interview with Dr. Ryan Rainbow, she discussed how cannabis helped her get through her drug-use days.

During her time as a user, she said she relied on cannabis to get high and stay high. While not a user herself, Mark Wahlberg has spoken about the power of marijuana after being involved in a car accident where he was found to be impaired.

He believes it is important to know what effects marijuana has on you because you can’t live without it.

These celebrities are investing in or using cannabis products

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

While not many of them have publicly discussed their use of cannabis, many of them are already helping spread the word about this incredible therapy.

Celebrities such as Rihanna, Jennifer Annette Palmer, Snoop Dogg, and Keith Barry are just a few of the medical cannabis users in California’s growing celebrity community.

Many of these individuals have used cannabis to help with chronic pain, access medical cannabis has been an interesting discussion. For example, does somebody who is famous need permission to use it? Why do people feel like they must use it if it works?

These questions and debates are being played out in the celebrity community as more and more people dig into its benefits. Although most celebrities say medicinal marijuana is helpful, there are some that go above and beyond this assumption by using it as a way to enhance recovery.

Cannabis keeps these stars happy and healthy

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

Celebrities like Michael B. Jordan, who is a cannabis user, keep the industry healthy by paying attention to their brands and spreading the word about their products.

By promoting their product and using their funds to boost marketing efforts, they help grow their brand recognition and support. He also helps spread the word about cannabis as a quality product that works.

By using marijuana in his art works and sharing his experiences with audiences, he shows people how powerful this plant is and how you can use it for anything. He has even been quoted as saying it made him feel relaxed and calm before he went on stage to perform!

As he shows with his work, Mike Jordan is open about his cannabis use. He does not feel like he needs to hide or express something that is not true however. As long as you are letting people know what you need taken, then you are OK.

The marijuana market is exploding with growth

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

There are now over 30 states that have legalized some form of cannabis, making it one of the most widespread drugs used today.

In fact, in some cases, celebrities have brought cannabis to fame!

Celebrities have publicly embraced cannabis since the early days of its use. There were many reasons for this, including media attention and cultural acceptance.

At the time when people were looking for a boost of energy and relief from stress, not having a famous person say that you can buy cannabis was an acceptable way to meet your needs.

Today, there are more than 40 celebrity proponents of cannabis, including Barack Obama and Michael Douglas! These individuals are willing to publicly discuss whether or not they use cannabis because it is safe and effective.

Celebrities are starting to embrace cannabis

Celebrities and Cannabis: A Peek Inside California's Star-Studded Cannabis Scene

Celebrities have been quick to admit to enjoying CBD and/or marijuana. Although most celebrities who use marijuana are well-known for their celebrity status, it is becoming more common.

Many people know former California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger for his use of CBD products, such as his natural health line. Recently, San Francisco mayor Mark Farrell introduced legislation to make city properties and city funds eligible for CBD testing and sales.

A recent study found that young people who are richdon Rowing Club members are more likely to say they use CBD products, compared to people who do not belong to a club. Around half of the members of this country club in Vancouver used medical cannabis in the past year, compared with less than one fifth of the rest of the country nation.

This shows how popular this drug is among professionals looking to treat symptoms rather than causing problems.

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