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For many, cannabis is a symbol of creativity and inspiration. There are already several cannabis strains named for this reason, making it an important component in the creative journey.

While not everyone on your same creative wavelength will get the same cannabis strain, you can still admire the same qualities in the boost that this strain can provide.

In addition to being inspiring, some of the strains that provide mood altering effects can be cost effective compared to other drugs used for the same effect. By using one of these cost efficient drugs, you are covering both your health and social needs.

This is not a talk about drug addiction or dangerous substances, but about what is inspiring and worth trying for those looking for an uplifting effect.

What are the best strains for creativity?

There are many ways to gain inspiration and self-confidence, and cannabis has been shown to be an effective way to do so. For example, someone who is feeling vulnerable or emotional is more likely to choose a strain that stimulates feelings and is related to objects or experiences they have previously seen or heard about.

In his book The Case-Culture Prescription, Dr. Carhart describes how the right cannabis can help restore confidence in one’s self-expression. He describes how earlier in his career when he was less confident in his ability to produce creative work, he would use a hybrid called C4 because it was seen as an easy out for novices.

This was the typical cultivar used on mainstream channels like HGTV and The Ellen DeGeneres Show. It is called an automatic weed because of its chromosome layout.

THC effects on the brain

While there are many ways to consume cannabis, the strongest effects can be found by focusing your attention on the experience. Because CBD and other non- THC molecules in cannabis can affect how you feel, he wants to talk about some of them.

Because CBD affects how the brain processes emotion, it can make your dreams more vivid or even stop painful seizures.

Some reviewers say it helps with anxiety, while others say it enhances their creativity.

CBD effects on the brain

As previously mentioned, THC can have effects on the body. While not everybody gets the same CBD effects from their cannabis, there are ways to find them if you are looking for them.

CBD is a non-psychoactive component of marijuana that does not effect your brain like THC does. This makes it possible for people with certain conditions such as neuro-muscular condition to use CBD instead of THC.

Like THC, CBD can be consumed in products such as gummies or drinks like Cannabis Tonic. However, because it does not have the same psychoactive effect as THC, people who needed moreof an impact can choose a CBD than a THC product.

This is what gives people who are inspired by art or by circumstances to use CBD because of its effects.

Combining strains to enhance effect

Currently, most people think about which strain you are smoking when they think about cannabis. This is the dominant aspect of cannabis culture today.

Like in musical genres, some strains are more appetizing than others. To enhance the experience, people enjoy different compounds and/or effects in greater amounts than others.

For example, someone who does not pay attention to strain names may believe a plant with a name and THC concentration similar to cottonwood tree sounds like cottonwood trees that smell like sweet berries.

This is why it is important to know what parts of a cannabis plant you are smoking. Even though there are over 300 known chemicals, only a small portion of them are found in commercial products.

Most companies use CBD and terpene-rich plants to enhance the effect of less known cannabinoids such as anandamide or “the happiness chemical”. This makes them seem more flower-shaped and hence more “intense” or “wonderful”.

Consider terpenes too

While not a category of drug subject to legal regulation, cannabinoids such as delta-9-tetrahydrocannabinol (or delta-9-THC) are classified as chemicals that can change the taste or texture of cannabis.

These terpenes can have a dramatic effect on your cannabis, ranging from sweet and light to strong and heavy. Some terpenes even have special effects when combined with other compounds in cannabis, such as cannabinoid compoundcanddiodinobutynine (or CBD).

This finding was made during research performed by pharmaceutical companies, who were looking to enhance the effects of their products with hemp/cannabis terpenes. These compounds appear to be highly effective at reducing side effects and increasing therapeutic tolerance in patients.

What are the best strains for creativity?

There are many ways to gain inspiration. Some people find that Certain strains of Marijuana give them a sense of Satisfaction or Self- confidence, and that is why they choose it over other options.

Others have stated that their drug of choice is spiritual, and that is why they prefer a spiritual oil instead of CBD acid hash. Still others report having no other type of drug for drug use but the plant!

Either way, the effects are priceless and worth trying if you do not already.

Tangie (Sativa)

Tangie is a classic cannabis strain that has been around for a while. You can find it in many dispensaries, as it is considered a classics strain.

Tangie is an uplifting and creative strain that gets you feeling happy and inspired. It also has some cognitive effects, which make it useful in treating symptoms of anxiety.

This is a powerful strain that requires more attention when flowering. It can take months to get the plants trained and ready for harvest! Luckily, Tangie does not require winter to breed her flowers, so if you are trying to grow her outside, she will still be green!

The reason this strain doesn’t seem crowded is because people know what they are looking for with Tangie.

Super Nova (Sativa)

The Super Nova is a classic indica. This is why so many enthusiasts know it by its classic name, not to mention its aesthetic pleasure.

This is the same as the Nebula in other drugs, where two different substances are fused together to create a highly desired effect. With cannabis, it is the Nova that gives you an uplifting feeling with hints of stress relief.

It can be used as an inspiration source, as it can be switched between daytime and nighttime use. Because it has a more concentrated feel to it, some people use it as a way to get away from the typical effects of cannabis.

Some people even decorate their Super Novas with dried fruits or vegetables so they have another reason to consume them.

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