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In the Golden State, there are more LGBTQ cannabis activists than you can fit in your head. They’re everywhere!

While California has legalised marijuana for recreational use, it hasn’t gone too far with its regulations. In fact, most areas have strict rules about where you can use it and who can legally buy it.

Many activists find this disheartening, due to the influence they feel they have on policy change. Heavier handed laws are better for everyone involved, especially if one person is wronged by the system.

The LGBTQ community plays a vital role in policy change. Cannabis activism is big business. People pay attention when people are dressed in fancy clothing or wear rings and earrings to market themselves as professionals at something.

It is easy for people to hide their prejudice and influence when they are spending money on things that reflect their lifestyle. It is important for them to be represented in politics and policy setting.

Dana Rainey

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Dana Rainey is a well-known activist in the LGBTQ community in the state of California. She is the founder and president of The Coalition for Sexual and HIVFree Health, or The Coalition for Sexual & HIV+ Health.

The Coalition for Sexual & HIV+ Health was formed to support and advocate for members of the LGBTQ+ community who are seeking special care for any medical condition or need. They also work to raise awareness and support for this population.

Their goals are to create inclusive health policies, develop supportive communities, and advocate for changes in policy and public opinion. All of these goals are important because they raise awareness and support in an underserved community.

This organization has been extremely influential in shaping the culture, policies, and practices surrounding health care within the LGBTQ+ community.

Amber Goldbach

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Amber is a loving mother, wife, and queer activist. She is the co-founder of Love, Life, & Leaf (LLL), a cannabis education and advocacy group based in San Francisco.

LLL was founded in 2017 as an inclusive space for LGBTQ+ cannabis activists to come together and raise awareness around their communities needs. Their mission is to build capacity within the community to address social justice issues and create safer spaces for people to share their experiences.

A key component of LLL’s work is building the leadership pipeline for leaders like oneself. Through monthly group trainings led by current leaders, LLL aims to help create more self-sufficient individuals who can contribute at an Institutional level.

The annual conference hosted by LLL attracts many influential leaders from the local and national community who come to network and teach.

Marisa Mendez

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Marisa Mendez is an award winning filmmaker who’s worked on several high profile projects. She’s also the co-founder of her non-profit, Reclaiming Our Streets, which fights drug and street porn by creating educational resources to prevent future drug and street porn exposure.

Her latest project is Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State. This film profiles two transgender women of color activists who are leading the charge for cannabis policy reform in the state.

The first person profiled is Marisa Mendez herself, who met her when she visited her at a bar to discuss their activism. The second person profiled is Keisha Stanley, who invited Marisa to join her group of activists called Green Party Action where they work together on issues that affect marginalized people.

Their work has had a significant impact on policy change and community engagement. This film shares their stories to inspire others to take action in their own communities.

Shaleen Title

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Shaleen Title is a well-known cannabis activist and CEO of a major cannabis company in the Golden State. She has led several organizations and campaigns related to marijuana, health, and social justice.

Title is an outspoken advocate for diversity in leadership positions at her companies and throughout the industry. She also advocates for issues that are often overlooked, such as drug testing policies and regulations.

She served as one of the lead speakers at the 2017 U.S. Conference of Catholic Bishops’ Conference on Aging conference in Las Vegas, where she discussed her beliefs about drug testing policies and regulations.

Her activism has had a profound impact on her career growth, as she has built strong opinions about issues that she then applies to her work with her companies. This continues to motivate her to contribute what she knows to society at large.

Dr. Grant Strauder

Grant Dr. Grant O. Dr. is the second most famous person in the cannabis community after Leaf. He is a pioneer of drug addiction treatment and recovery, and has helped countless people throughout his career.

He first became interested in cannabis as an alternative treatment for drug addiction, and he has been working in the cannabis community since the early 2000s. His work with medical marijuana dispensaries began around that time, helping him build experience with his patients and running operations for medical marijuana dispensaries.

Today, he runs The Grant O’Drilling Company, a consulting firm that helps run operations for medical marijuana dispensaries. He also runs a website called TheGrantODrillingCompany where he shares his knowledge with other operators and consultants.

His patients call him Doctor Grant because of his dedication to helping them stay sober through treatment.

Tiana Williams

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Tiana Williams, or “Tha Tiana” as she is known to her friends and family, is a legendary leader of the cannabis community in the Golden State.

Her story is inspiring and full of strength, and she uses her position as an activist to help other people. She has used her influence to decriminalize marijuana, increase funding for drug education programs, and expand access to medical marijuana.

As an advocate for people with mental health issues, she works with the Drug Policy Alliance to highlight the negative effects of illegal drugs in society. She believes that change comes from within, so she devoted time and energy fighting against drug laws that put people in prison for long periods of time.

She is also involved in youth activism through her job as a Youth President at her local union. These roles connect her with young people and give them a voice in government.

Brooke Cerda

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Brooke Cerdaonde is an award-winning filmmaker and pioneer in the cannabis community. She is the founder and president of a national organization, the Healing Our World Foundation, or HOWF.

Howf was founded in 1999 to support peace and justice through drug policy reform, human rights advocacy, and social change initiatives. Its mission has never changed: to heal our world through drug policy reform, education, and social change.

In 2010, Brooke launched her film production company Howler Films with another LGBTQ activist named Sean Patrick White. They began producing films about cannabis culture such as The Cannabis Kite Festival Spectacle of Chance (Surprise!) Cloud Ten Cannabis Edibles being Released This Year!

The first film they produced was A Celebration: The Dawning of a New Day for Medical Marijuana Reform in California in 2011.

Vanessa Marich

Love, Life, and Leaf: Inspiring LGBTQ Cannabis Activists in the Golden State

Vanessa Marich, one of the most influential members of the LGBTQ community in the state of California, is a trailblazer. She’s used her celebrity to combat anti-LGBTQ legislation and educate her fans and followers about these issues.

Marich is a successful business woman with a net worth of $1 million dollars. She’s made it her mission to raise money and awareness for organizations that help people with drug addiction. This is not just altruism; she sees strong evidence that drug addiction damages many parts of the body and brain, including relationships.

She also impacts criminal justice systems by working to address human trafficking and marijuana legalization issues within them. She knows how important these officials are to her communities, so she attempts to support them by giving them donations.

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