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As the state of California continues to implement regulations for the cannabis industry, jobs in it will increase. Companies that work with cannabis are always looking for new talent, so expect to see increased demand for workers in the near future.

Job seekers who are involved in the cannabis industry should know how to market themselves effectively. There are certain skills that any candidate can use, and those candidates that are proficient in what they do can attract more employers.

This article will go into detail about the different roles in the cannabis industry and what positions employers look for when hiring. Furthermore, it will include some sample resumes and headshots that job seekers can use to quickly get into contact with an employer.

Develop your resume

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

A well-developed resume can land you a job. It will make a big difference on whether or not a employer considers you for the job.

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By including skills and duties on your resume, when applying for a job, you are more likely to get an interview. You can then impress your interviewer with how detailed your resume is and how well you fit the role they are looking for.

When presenting yourself in an interview, keep your attire and demeanor professional.

Update your networking contacts

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

Once you’ve landed a job, the most important contact you have made is with your network. You should be keeping tabs on your coworkers, fellow employees, and other members of the company to see if anything about the job or company has changed them since you last worked together.

By checking in with others regularly, you will remain connected to your community of workers and keep yourself up to date with new developments at the organization.

By way of introduction, it’s important to establish meaningful connections with your employer. Your relationships can make a difference in your ability to find a new job, so make sure you are building strong ties into your existing organization.

Find ways to show how valuable your work is to your employer by contributing money (if they allow it) or by performing duties that would prove your worth.

Consider online networking sites


While the best way to find a job in the cannabis industry is to be present in the industry, more and more jobs are being created as companies expand their operations.

Online networking sites have become a vital part of finding a job in the cannabis industry. There are dozens of these sites, all with different requirements and profiles, all aimed at matching employers and employees.

Some of these sites include LinkedIn, Facebook, Twitter, ruraljobmatch, &acaaschooljobboard. Many of these sites have set guidelines for what jobs they accept and what type of employees they require.

It is important to use this kind of information available on these websites as part of my job search process, especially if I am looking for a new job within my current role.

Consider starting a cannabis LinkedIn group

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

Yours may be tapped out, but not before you get your bearings in the job market! As seen with the cannabis job market trend, demand is high and supplies are limited.

The first thing to do is to consider joining a cannabis LinkedIn group. This will help you connect with other professionals in your field and learn more about jobs in the cannabis industry.

Next, consider starting a marijuana job board. These can be found online or even in a book, where members can post jobs and others can apply! If too many applications are coming in, then there must be a shortage of candidates!

Finally, check out the U.S. Department of Education for possible course requirements that may lead you into a career in the marijuana industry.

Contact a marijuana career coach

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

Even if you don’t plan to work in the cannabis industry, having a good understanding of what jobs in the marijuana industry look like and contacting a marijuana career coach who can help you prepare for job searches in the industry is important.

The number of jobs in the cannabis industry is limited, so every job candidate must be prepared to show experience and strength. If you are not currently employed, now is the time to look into joining a company as an employee. Many large companies such as Facebook, Apple, and Google offer positions within their organization that include study banking and technical support for manufacturing plants, packaging, and operational support.

If you are already working or planning to start a job search, then it is important to know what qualities you must have and how you can highlight your strengths to match up with potential employers. A lot of companies look at these things from afar, but still consider doing some self-assessment to see what fits your style and what makes them feel comfortable hiring you.

Know what types of jobs you are seeking

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

It is very important to know the different types of jobs in the cannabis industry and what kind of skills you need to find them.

Jobs in the cannabis industry can be limited, so being aware of the typical job title in the community can help find them. For example, as a marijuana manager, you can look for jobs as a manager within a company or business that offers staffing services.

As a job seeker, you should be aware of your skills and post your desired skill set to see if people have posts matching those qualities. Having a post common to your style may help you get noticed by potential employers.

Sometimes, people with less experience than yours may go into businesses without an aggressive plan can meet clients, make contacts, and start producing quality work. This is when these individuals go outside of their comfort zone and take on additional projects to gain valuable experience.

Know what positions you are seeking

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

Before you can determine whether a job position is suitable for you, you must first know what positions are available. Review local newspapers, subscribe to relevant blogs, and contact other job seekers to learn what positions are available.

In order to provide a complete guide for the cannabis job market, it is necessary to provide a list ofJob Postings.

Know the different roles in the cannabis industry

Navigating California's Cannabis Job Market: A Comprehensive Guide for Job Seekers

In the world of the cannabis job market, there are multiple roles for individuals to fill. While many look forward to joining the growing industry, there are still plenty of openings, making it an ever-changing landscape.

Job seekers who know the cannabis industry best can be found working in business operations, marketing, and development. In business operations, recruits may work with production or packaging companies to create products and services.

As a development specialist, you would work with companies to create programs and services that appeal to both new and established consumers. You would also liaise with other departments if your role involves developing new products and services for the company.

In marketing, you would likely work with social media outlets, messaging platforms, and search engines to find new users or expand existing users.

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