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In California, cannabis is considered a low risk drug that helps with pain and sleep. As a result, there are multiple cannabis channels available, including shops, universities, and medical marijuana.

Because of this, there is no national standard for education or usage. As a way to introduce people to cannabis and educate them on their needs, workspaces offer great solutions. Workspaces include experienced users who can answer questions about different strains, extraction methods, and effects.

Many recently opened workspaces offer orientation courses so new hires can learn how to use the space and set up an account.

What are some types of cannabis?

There are two major types of cannabis: marijuana and hemp. While neither contains THC, marijuana is legal in many countries while hemp is not.

Both marijuana and hemp contain CBD, the non-psychoactive compound found in all plants.

Because of this, there are CBD-infused products everywhere from drinks to toothbrushes to face masks. Some companies even use the word “cure” in their titles to emphasize their goal of helping someone heal.

Some people find that having CBD in their life is important for health and wellness, while others just love it. It’s either a no-brainer or a come-on, whichever makes you laugh or cry, depends on where you are in life.

This is why it’s important to learn about CBD if you don’t have access to it in a medical setting.

What is the history of cannabis in the United States?

Cannabis has a very long and varied history in the United States, which this article is focused on sharing.

During the late 18th and early 19th centuries, cannabis was widely used as a medicinal plant. There are accounts of cannabis use both legal and medical, including for pain relief, depression treatment, asthma relief, sleep aid and quality of sleep aid.

In the early 20th century, during the time of World War II, cannabis was highly valued as a Signal Corps (now Defense Department) drug. Signal Corps personnel were known for their exceptional memory and leadership skills. They would request cannabis to help them stay awake during their extremely demanding job.

After the war, people continued to rely on cannabis as a medicinal plant with new conditions being confirmed every few years.

Are there different laws for recreational and medical marijuana?

In California, both recreational and medical marijuana are legal. However, there are two main differences in laws for cannabis and drug abuse.

Cannabis is not a controlled substance like pharmaceuticals are, making it easier to find information about cannabis. Several research studies report that young people use cannabis regularly, often from ages 14–18.

Many students in college campuses and school districts use cannabis for academic purposes, since it is not classified as a drug and can be obtained legally. Even with the increased accessibility of cannabis, most people struggle with finding the right dose for them.

This is why it is important to learn about the differences in cannabis usage between recreational and medical users. There are also different schools of thought on what dosage should be taken when using medicinal marijuana.

Which counties in California have legalized recreational marijuana?

In Southern California, the counties of San Bernardino, San Diego, and Los Angeles have all passed laws allowing for the possession, cultivation, and sale of cannabis.

These three counties account for over half of California’s population and nearly a third of the country’s cannabis sales. As more states legalize marijuana, these three continue to be a go-to destination for marijuana enthusiasts.

Newcomers are often sent to these three counties due to the increased availability of education and drug treatment materials. Many first-time users don’t know how to consume or how to use cannabis, which can lead to confusion and frustration.

It is important for new users to get educated on how cannabis works and what dose they should take in order to achieve their desired effect. Regular users can also help educate others on how it works and why it is beneficial.

Should I get a medical card?

You may be wondering if getting a medical card is a good idea for some people. Or if it’s right for you.

Medical cannabis cards are not for everyone. If you have a serious condition such as cancer or epilepsy, you may not be able to get your dose of cannabis every day that you need to.

Some conditions can be treated with pharmaceuticals, and others can be treated with lifestyle changes like weight loss, healthy eating habits, and reduced drinking habits.

But regardless of the condition being treated, there are many benefits to cannabis. For example: pain relief, anti-anxiety effects, and digestive stabilisation. All of which can help improve your quality of life.

How do I find LGBTQ-focused cannabis education and workshops in my area?

In the U.S., gender non-conforming people are at higher risk for substance use disorders because of societal expectations, stigma, and discrimination.

Because of this, there is a lot of demand for cannabis education and workshops that focus on the needs of people with gender non-conforming bodies. Many large cannabis companies offer self-guided learning experiences for their users, so go ahead and check them out!

Some renowned cannabis education institutions include The Oregon Cannabis School, The Weed Girl School in Vancouver, and Happy Harbors in San Francisco. All of these schools offer high quality education that focuses on gender non-conformity issues.

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