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For people who are looking into using cannabis for medical purposes, introduction to the strains is important. These are the types for people who need help choosing!

There are many ways to learn about new cannabis strains. Some people use them, and others do not. Those who do not seem similar in quality to other strains, but those who do seem very unique in flavor and effects.

They may be looking for a specific Sativa or Indica ratio, or if there is an odor or no odor associated with them. More importantly, they must know which ones work and which ones don’t because so many people use them and have had problems with them.

Sour Diesel

When looking at Sour Diesel plants, you can see that they are large, heavy-duty leaves that grow in a regimented pattern. These plants are typically flowering for a year before harvest, so they create large sheets of growth that take months to years to develop.

These strains are known for their strong diesel notes, which is what draws people to them. Those who do not find the scent appealing may wish to pass this up due to it being an unpopular scent. However, if nothing else intrigues you but cannabis effects and not smoking or vaping, there are ways to get your effects with this stuff.

It can be grown both indoor and outdoor, though the colder climate requires cautionary measures.

Girl Scout Cookies

Named after the iconic cookie brand, this strain is full of flavor. When smoked, it offers an overwhelming amount of sweetness.

Chocolate Chip Cookies

Spiced chocolate chip cookies are one of the top favorite cannabis strains on the market. They are moderately strong, with a mild cocoa flavor and vanilla background. This strain is a classic, being recently introduced as an official strain.

This is not for the faint of heart, as it is highly drug-type in nature. However, since it is not strong, many people find it manageable. It is also discreetly psychoactive so people who do not want to consume but love the aroma can buy it!

They are very popular gifts and recipients appreciate them for the same reason. They are also known as cookie strains because of their soft, chewy texture.

Durban Poison

Durban Poison is a bold and strong scent, with notes of grapefruit, coconut, and vanilla. This variant is also stronger than the rest of the signature strains, so be careful not to overdo it!

This variant is famous for its concentrated potency, as it can reach up to 25% THC. This makes it an ideal choice for people who want a strong high but do not want to feel high for the rest of the day.

It also has a longer effects duration than some others, making it perfect for use before a big event or public appearance. Performing an open mouth gesture if you have an emergency room dose might also help prevent nausea and vomiting.

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