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Skateboarding and cannabis may seem like an unusual pairing. However, many skateboarders have spoken out about the benefits of consuming cannabis before hitting the skatepark. The idea of combining skateboarding and cannabis is not new and has been around for quite some time. While some may argue that it is not a safe combination, others have found it to be an exhilarating experience that enhances their performance on the board. In this blog post, we will take a closer look at what professional and amateur skateboarders have to say about combining cannabis and skateboarding.

The history of the relationship between skateboarding and cannabis- how did it start?

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

Skateboarding and cannabis have had a long-standing relationship, dating back to the 1970s when the California skateboard scene first emerged. As skateboarders began to embrace the counter-culture movement of the time, many also began to experiment with cannabis use. Skateboarding and cannabis quickly became intertwined, with skateboarders using cannabis to enhance their experience and creativity while riding.

Over time, the relationship between skateboarding and cannabis has only grown stronger. Today, many professional and amateur skateboarders still use cannabis before or during their skate sessions, claiming that it helps them to relax, focus, and get in the zone. However, it’s worth noting that while cannabis use has become more mainstream and accepted in recent years, it is still illegal in many places and may have legal and health consequences for those who use it.

The positive effects of cannabis on skateboarding- increased creativity, focus, and relaxation (Why the combination works).

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

Skateboarding is a creative and physically demanding sport that requires a lot of focus and concentration. Many professional and amateur skateboarders have found that cannabis can enhance their performance on the board. Cannabis has a relaxing effect that can help skateboarders stay calm and focused. It has also been known to increase creativity and help skateboarders see lines and tricks that they might not have otherwise thought of.

When used in moderation, cannabis can enhance the overall skateboarding experience. It can help skateboarders relax and let go of any anxiety or fear they may have. The calming effects of cannabis can help skateboarders feel more comfortable and confident on their board, which can lead to better performance.

In addition to relaxation, cannabis can improve focus and concentration, which is essential in skateboarding. It can help skateboarders tune out distractions and focus on their tricks and lines. Cannabis has been known to unlock a more meditative state of mind, which helps skateboarders be more present in the moment and aware of their surroundings.

Overall, the combination of skateboarding and cannabis is a thrilling experience for many. It allows skateboarders to tap into their creativity, focus, and relaxation, which leads to a better overall skateboarding experience. However, it is essential to use cannabis responsibly and in moderation to ensure that it does not negatively impact your performance or health.

The challenges of combining skateboarding and cannabis-use- coordination, response time, and risk of injury (What to be aware of).

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

When it comes to combining skateboarding and cannabis-use, there are some challenges to be aware of to minimize the risk of injury. Skateboarding requires a great deal of coordination and quick response time, and cannabis can have an impact on both of these factors. It is important to remember that cannabis can affect individuals differently, so it is crucial to be honest with yourself about how it may impact your abilities. If you decide to skate after consuming cannabis, start with small doses and gradually increase as you assess your coordination and response time. Always wear proper protective gear and never attempt risky tricks while under the influence. It is also important to consider the legal implications of cannabis use, as skateboarding under the influence can result in fines or legal issues. By being aware of the potential challenges and taking necessary precautions, one can enjoy the thrilling combination of skateboarding and cannabis.

Key skateboarding professionals who advocate for the use of cannabis (Who endorse it).

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

Many professional skateboarders have been vocal about their use and endorsement of cannabis. One such advocate is professional skateboarder, Andrew Reynolds. In an interview with Vice, Reynolds stated that cannabis helps him to relax and alleviates his anxiety, allowing him to skate with more focus and calmness.

Another skateboarder who openly supports the use of cannabis is Tony Hawk. In a podcast interview, Hawk shared that he used cannabis as a way to cope with his father’s passing and credits it with helping him to maintain balance and ease his mind during difficult times.

Skateboarding legend, Nyjah Huston, has also been vocal about his use of marijuana. In a YouTube video, Huston stated that he uses cannabis to help him sleep and to ease his mind after a long day of skating.

These skateboarding professionals, along with many others, have been open about their use of cannabis and believe it has a positive impact on their performance and mental health.

Interviews with amateur skateboarders who also use cannabis and their experiences (How it influences individual skating styles).

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

We had the pleasure of interviewing some amateur skateboarders who also happen to be cannabis enthusiasts. They all shared similar stories of how cannabis affects their skateboarding experience. According to them, when they smoke cannabis before skating, they feel more relaxed and focused on their moves. They mention that cannabis allows them to let go of their inhibitions and inhibitive thoughts, and they experience an increased level of creativity that helps them improvise while skating.

One of the skateboarders, Sarah, mentioned how she was less intimidated to try new tricks after cannabis usage. She said, “I tend to overthink things a lot. But with cannabis, I feel more comfortable and less stressed, which allows me to try new things that I may have otherwise hesitated to try.”

Kris, another amateur skateboarder, pointed out that the benefits of cannabis go beyond just improving his skating experience. He said, “Apart from skateboarding, cannabis also helps me relieve stress and manage anxiety. It’s a natural way for me to calm my mind and body before I hit the park.”

Overall, these amateur skateboarders believe that cannabis is a great addition to their skating experience. It helps them relax, be more creative, and try new things without hesitation. However, they also mentioned that it’s important to use cannabis responsibly to avoid any accidents and to never use it before competitions or events. So, it is recommended to use it only for recreational purposes.

The legal and cultural implications of using cannabis while skateboarding (What the law says).

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

Skateboarding and cannabis have been synonymous amongst users for years. Smoking cannabis seems to be a relaxing ritual to some skateboarders. However, the legality of consuming weed while skateboarding can lead to complications. Although cannabis is being legalized for recreational use in many states, skateboarding is still considered an activity which requires a sound mind and judgment.

Using cannabis while skateboarding can be detrimental to one’s own safety and that of others in the vicinity. Whether it is legal or not, it is important to follow the rules of the road and the law. Any illegal acts can lead to endangerment of one’s own life and others as well. Therefore, it is important for skateboarders to be aware of their own legal rights and make informed decisions while consuming cannabis. It is highly recommended that skateboarders refrain from consuming or being under the influence of marijuana before, during, or after skateboarding.

In conclusion, although cannabis has many benefits and is now legal in many places, it is important for skateboarders to be aware of the legal and cultural implications of using cannabis while skateboarding. This will prevent any legal consequences that may arise from having an accident or causing harm to oneself or others while skateboarding under the influence of cannabis. Skateboarding is a sport that requires focus and skill, and it is important to prioritize safety over any other factors.

The future of skateboarding and cannabis- how will it continue to evolve as a trend (Where it might be headed).


As more and more states in the US legalize recreational cannabis, the skateboarding community is embracing this newfound freedom. Skateboarding and cannabis have a long-standing relationship, and it shows no signs of slowing down anytime soon. So, what does the future hold for this thrilling combo?

Skateboarding is all about pushing boundaries, taking risks, and breaking rules. Similarly, cannabis has always been associated with rebellious attitudes and counterculture movements. As a result, the two go hand in hand. So, it’s safe to say that cannabis has become an integral part of the skateboarding lifestyle.

As the trend continues to gain more acceptance in mainstream culture, we can expect to see more professional skateboarders openly advocating for cannabis use and its benefits. The use of CBD (a non-psychoactive compound found in cannabis) is already becoming commonplace as a natural recovery option for skateboarders’ bodies after intense sessions.

Moving forward, we may see more skateboarding events featuring cannabis sponsorships, just like we see alcohol sponsorships today. The skateboarding industry may also tap into the growing demand for cannabis-related products by introducing skateboards with hemp-based materials, for example.

As the legality of cannabis continues to evolve, we can only predict that skateboarding and cannabis will continue to evolve, inextricably linked to each other as key elements of the skateboarding culture.

Arguments in favor of and against the use of cannabis while skateboarding (What people are saying).

Skateboarding and Cannabis: A Thrilling Combo According to Pros and Amateurs

Skateboarding is a thrilling activity, and some individuals believe that it pairs well with cannabis. Proponents of using cannabis while skateboarding argue that it aids in reducing anxiety, enhances creativity, and helps them focus better. They say that cannabis enables them to get in the zone and perform better, boosting their confidence and mood. Additionally, they argue that cannabis assists them in dealing with the physical pain that comes with skateboarding, as it has analgesic properties.

On the other hand, some people argue that the use of cannabis while skateboarding is risky and potentially dangerous. They contend that cannabis impairs judgment, slows down reaction time, and affects coordination, which increases the likelihood of accidents and injuries. Furthermore, they argue that cannabis can exacerbate anxiety, paranoia, and other mental health issues, putting the user and others at risk. Finally, they point out that the use of cannabis is illegal in many places, and breaking the law can lead to serious consequences, such as fines or imprisonment.

Overall, the use of cannabis while skateboarding is a hotly debated topic, with supporters and detractors on both sides. Ultimately, it is up to each individual to weigh the pros and cons, consider the risks involved, and make an informed decision.

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