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Sunset Serenades is an ultimate playlist of summer music that will put you in the best mood to enjoy your summer day or nightime adventure.

Summer is a fun time to be outside, so this playlist is a great way to start your day. Each song has a distinct storyline and atmosphere, making it easy to get into.

Some songs are light and playful, while others are more heavy and serious. Neither type is too serious; this is intended.

The scale from light to heavy depends on how much cannabis you are planning on having for the day. This does not matter though; all of the songs on this list are perfect for sharing with just one or two people!

This list was created by an artist named Sunset Serenades, who is a California-based musician. She designed these songs so that they would fit in with her other music, so that people could enjoy them as both an inspiration and fun playlist to share with friends.

Let’s Find Gold

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

Starting a playlist is the easiest way to start finding new music. Many streaming services offer you a limited or complete playlist to use, so go ahead and check those out!

Once you create your playlist, add the appropriate songs by clicking on the down-facing button of each column and selecting add a new song.

Then click on play to add them to your device! Once they are added, you can switch up the order of the songs in which they are played.

As with all music, headphones must be used when listening to this music. Glasses must be worn in order for them to fit the frame properly of the face that is being photographed.

Smell the Roses

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

Another great way to start your day is by smelling the roses. There are many marijuana plants in your house and in your garden, so start your morning by walking through your home or garden and smell the roses.

This is also a great way to start your day if you’re feeling anxious or stressed, as you focus on something beautiful being present in your life.

At the end of each session, log how many plants you saw and how many were flowering. This way, you can estimate how much cannabis you grew and what price price you got for it.

Stars and Stripes

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

The Beach Boys is one of the most iconic music bands of all time. Their classic album, “Beach Boys”, features many songs that speak about freedom, fun, and living in the now.

With over 20 Billboard Top 10 hits and over 30 total chart appearances, The Beach Boys were no joke. Their signature long hair and catchy songs made them one of the first rock bands to gain international recognition.

Today, more people are discovering The Beach Boys for their beautiful music than ever before.

Sugar Mountain

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

Designed to stimulate your body, brain, and spirit, the iconic soundtrack from the mountain city of Sugar Mountain is sure to do that.

As the name suggests, this playlist has a lot of classic rock tracks. Since most of them feature mountains in some way, you can expect them to be nice and refreshing.

In fact, many of them feature mountains prominently. For example, there is Mount San Antonio (known as Mount Beard), which is home to beautiful forests, and Mount Floralamba, which sits right next to Floralamba Lake.

There are a few tracks on this playlist that focus on cannabis culture. There are several songs with titles like Get High It’s Time and Others With The Reminder That Cannabis Is DeadlineLikeHabLikely LikeToBeListenedToThursdayLike.

The Beach Boys


The Beach Boys is one of the most iconic music groups in history. Theirs is an ever-fading legacy of making recognizable melodies for every generation to enjoy.

Like many musicians, Brian Wilson had retired as a musician and producer before he produced this playlist. This was his legacy project, creating a collection of music that was specifically for cannabis consumption.

The Beach Boys has been around since the mid-20th century when it was popular for movies and TV shows. At that time, they were known for their cheesy songs about summer bathing suits and sunsets.

Since then, they have become pretty popular with the young crowd as well as the older ones. They can both enjoy this same playlist because it is mostly oldie but goody song types.

Bob Marley

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

Bob Marley is one of the most loved music styles of all time. He was a cult-fave decades before Eminem made him mainstream. This is due in part to his song IWY, which has been called a “breathtakingly perfect storm” of cultural importation, inspiration and accessibility.

IWY is a blend of reggae and hip-hop that makes for an amazing playlist for any event. It is versatile enough to be used as a day-time or nighttime set-up. It can be enjoyed by both new and old cannabis users, as it is not strictly THC focused.

The songs are short and sweet, giving listeners the confidence to come out of their various spaces and social settings to share a joint or two.

The Chills

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

While not a musical genre, the chilledOutFashion is currently in vogue. It is an expression that focuses on simplicity and restraint, or in other words, underneath it all!

It was created to allow people who are into fashion and design alike a way to get involved with the community and create something positive. The fashion world is full of high-quality products that are expensive but worth it.

These designs can be very difficult to DIY as they demand precise measurements and guidance. You can find some simple pieces online, but ultimately you have to put in the work to wear them!

The quieterFashion rules out loud with noirs, grays, and cuzins.

Cheech and Chong

Sunset Serenades: The Ultimate Playlist for Your California Cannabis Adventure

While smoking some flower, listening to some hip-hop or ethereal sounds, your friends will thank you for creating the ultimate playlists for your cannabis adventure.

Cheech and Chong is a classic American drug television show from the early 2000s. It focused on two brothers, Cheech and Tommy Chong, who ran a weed shop in Chinatown called The Warlocks.

The show was popular due to its irreverence towards drugs and alcohol, which was very influential during that time. Many people still remember when The Warlocks appeared on television in 2001 during an episode of Law & Order: Special Division titled “The Weed Store.”

This show was definitely a inspiration to what songs were included in the album as well as how they were presented on stage.

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