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Surf’s Up, Smoke’s Up: California’s Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

By 22 Apr 2024April 23rd, 2024No Comments

Surfing is a great way to de-stress, As evidenced by countless recreational and non-recreational surfers alike. Surfing has become a way to achieve that relaxation and re-juice you after a challenging day at the office or at work.

At sunset and sunrise, surfers can find some nice waves, especially during spring and summer seasons. These waves tend to be fairly consistent in size and quality, making it a reliable surf resort location.

There are several ways to attend a surfer’s retreat. You can buy a retreat package or you can just show up! Both have their benefits and drawbacks. Package deals usually include food and drink, so you do not have to worry about serving yourself when there is food being served.

Your second choice would be to just show up! This is more of an outdoor type of environment so that you can enjoy your relaxation time.

Where are they held?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

Surfing is a pretty big deal. A lot of people get into it as a way to unwind, and it’s a way to stay in touch with yourself by being active.

So, when you’re looking for a potty break or want to learn how to surf, you must attend a surf camp. And since only experienced surfers go through the camp, it’s very selective.

To be considered an experienced surfer, you must be able to handle rough water and wind effects as well as learn some basics like where the top and bottom of the pool are. Both areas have their benefits!

Some camps offer cannabis-infused surfing lessons, which is another cool way to experience the outdoors and shore life.

What happens at a cannabis surf retreat?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

Surfing is an active sport, so at a cannabis surf retreat you’ll be taught how to surf by certified instructors.

As in other sports, first you practice your basic skills before you try more advanced moves. At a cannabis surf retreat, you’ll learn how to ride a board on both feet and hands, how to take good advantage of the conditions on a wave, and most importantly, how to enjoy yourself while being educated about nutrition and fitness at the same time.

You’ll also learn about nutrition for board sport because there are times when your diet doesn’t match what the surroundings demand. You may find yourself eating less than expected or less often due to the fact that there’s always something new to learn and master.

There are many ways to prepare for a cannabis surf retreat. You can sign up as a beginner or upgrade your skills.acerbateyourbod is an excellent place to start looking into these programs.

Who can go to a cannabis surf retreat?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

There are a few main realms of retreat where you can go to find a cannabis surf retreat. Most large outdoor stores and vendors offer at least one atrium or courtyard space where you can go to enjoy the sun, weather, and atmosphere.

These spaces are typically reserved for viewing and learning about new products and technologies as well as being used for group activities. Some even have cannabis-infused products available for purchase.

At a cannabis surfer retreat, the term refers to getting your feet wet with marijuana, whether that’s trying some marijuana-themed surfing techniques or just sitting down and smoking some joints or capsules. The two terms are not interchangeable!

There are many ways to find a cannabis surfer retreat that works for you.

Are there limitations?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

Most California cannabis resorts have restrictions on what you can and can’t do, so it is important to know their policies.

Some resorts allow you to bring pets, but not inside the resort. Other restrictions may apply such as alcohol prohibition or smoking in the facility.

At The Green House in San Francisco, for example, you cannot smoke in the facility and you cannot consume any type of alcohol at all! At other resorts, like Harborside in Dornfeld, you can have an alcoholic drink if you don’t smoke because there is always some sort of cannabis-infused beverage being offered.

Will I be the only non-user there?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

While there are non-smoker individuals who enjoy cannabis, most cannabis users find it to be a motivator to get out and about and into the water mode.

The majority of users have never done anything without it! So, being the only non-user is going to make for an interesting conversation at the water park.

There is a chance that you will be the only person who does not use marijuana but will still enjoy yourself because of the refreshing nature of the water park. The venue is designed for groups so you can meet other people your same as you does not use pot.

What is the atmosphere like?


As the name suggests, California’s Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats is inspired by California’s cannabis culture. Several of the trips feature days where participants take part in cannabis lounging, learning how to prepare cannabis cocktails or how to share a surf board with your friend.

The atmosphere is very fun and friendly, with many people going together as a crew.

What should I bring?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

As mentioned before, surfing is a popular sport in California. So, you should bring your own beach equipment! There are several surf shops throughout the state that can supply you with a board and gear.

Surfing is a great exercise for the whole body. Since waves vary based on the season, there is always new stuff to enjoy. Plus, it is pretty fun to just hang out on a board and let your creativity take over.

To prepare for your trip, you should pack some extra water and food as well as a hat and beach clothes. The heat can be hard on the skin so be careful about that.

How much do cannabis surf retreats cost?

Surf's Up, Smoke's Up: California's Cannabis-Infused Surfing Retreats

Most cost between $80 and $200, depending on the location. Some price points are higher than others.

Cost can be a deterrent for someone who does not have budget for a cannabis retreat. However, with the right location and offering, cost can be offset.

If you are interested in attending a cannabis retreat, look into offering prices that are in the same range as other retreats that offer different therapies like yoga, cooking classes, shopping trips, and of course, surfing!

Many retreat centers offer discounted rates to persons with medical marijuana cards which allows them to more affordably attend.

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