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As the world changes, so does society. As technology improves and new ways to do things enter into mainstream culture, new technologies emerge and change with society.

In this changeable world, some things stay the same but new methods of doing things emerge. One of those new ways of doing things is the pursuit of The Green Rush. This rush focuses on obtaining cannabis for personal use and/or business purposes either domestically or internationally.

For example, in the United States, people can buy cannabis for medicinal purposes from licensed dispensaries or online retailers such as or Wal-Mart Stores, Inc., respectively. Or people can buy it commercially like cannabis cultivators do.

This rush is a way for people to get involved in the industry and determine if it is for them or not. It also gets people involved in The Green Rush which is focusing on international trading of cannabis.

History of marijuana

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

Early recorded uses of cannabis go back thousands of years. Shep Hyndman, the current president and founder of the Association for Cannabis Education, believes that it was used for both psychoactive and therapeutic purposes.

During his studies in India around the 1920s, Hyndman says he heard stories about marijuana being used as a treatment for ailments such as pain and depression. He says this was based on misinformed medical opinion at the time, but it stuck in his memory.

Effects of marijuana

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

While many people attribute joy and happiness in life, that comes with using what you have is true. You discover what works for you by how you feel after using.

For some, it can be a RELIEVED feeling of being at one with the world and being able to benefit physically and mentally from this drug. For others, it can be a strain on their personal relationships and self-confidence.

For still others, it is a drug to help with pain or nausea (treatments are common).

This is not a scientific thing; it is just how people use. Some use marijuana to reduce pain or aid in sleep, while others only to stay relaxed or stop their day before work or work out.

Legalization of marijuana


Since the introduction of recreational marijuana in Colorado in 2014, several other states have followed their lead. In 2015, Washington and Nevada passed laws legalizing small-scale marijuana cultivation and use, respectively. In 2016, California passed a bill allowing commercial cannabis operations and in 2017 Congress enacted the 2018 Farm Bill which grants states the right to establish legal cannabis programs at a state level.

These changes were not just landmark decisions made by governments; they were largely driven by the financial benefits legalization has meant for citizens. According to a report from the Arcview Group found between $500 and $1500 can be saved for each household that grows their own cannabis each year).

The increasing number of people seeking to produce their own cannabis is part of what is making California’s green rush chronic. Since 2012, more than 3500 square miles of land have been transferred from agricultural to crop use with little change in overall regulation or enforcement.

How to start a cannabis business

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

Starting a cannabis business is going to be different for every individual. Some will find ways to make money as a cannabis club member, others can start as an entrepreneur, and still others as a operator. All aspects of the cannabis business are valid and accepted!

As with any business, you will need staff, a profitable product line, and locations to market your cannabis products. Having financial plans and knowing your customer base will help you in this area too.

As an operator, you will have to deal with government regulations. Being able to answer questions from other operators that have gone through the process can help get you started.

Marketing strategies for cannabis businesses

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

Marijuana is a relatively new branding category for product marketing. Until now, most products were labeled with their attributes, such as cannabis treatment or medication.

Now, with the growing legalization movement and the introduction of cannabis-based medications, brands are jumping into the game. Many are looking to offer their customers increased medicinal benefits without the high that can be felt with more experienced users.

With increasing popularity comes increased demand for products. This has forced some companies to create speciality products to satisfy consumers. Some have even produced advertising campaigns just to meet market demand!

This has had some effects on the community as some have adopted certain products for personal use which others do not! Some have started using drugs due to this influence on society.

Potential profits from a cannabis business

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

As the medical marijuana industry continues to grow, more and more businesses are jumping into the cannabis business. For example, California recently passed legislation allowing for the creation of non-profit organizations that will challenge the government’s monopoly on cannabis distribution.

Many small businesses that were not able to apply for a business license in their community now do. For example, a large retail space with a cannabis dispensary and cultivation space can cost more than one with no special requirements.

This is due to higher startup costs, as well as regulation and expansion requirements.

Risks of operating a cannabis business

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

As the industry continues to grow in size and scope, so does the need for savvy, professional cannabis business owners. As demand for cannabis products increase, so does their demand for management expertise.

As a successful cannabis business owner, you must understand your market and what your clients want. If you do not think your product is worth the investment, then you should not start a business! People are beginning to perceive cannabis as a legitimate tool for healing and living, which is leading to more interest in commercial applications.

Many people are investing in cannabis businesses as an outlet for stress and as a source of revenue. You need to be able to handle these increased demands! Having the ability to manage your company effectively is key when growing larger.

Federal regulations regarding cannabis

The Green Rush: Chronicling the Rise of California's Booming Cannabis Industry

As of now, cannabis is classified as a Schedule 1 drug. This means that it is considered to be a high risk substance and should be treated with extra care.

Because of this, it is not legal to sell or transport cannabis in any way other than by law enforcement. When looking for marijuana suppliers, you must make sure your dealer has volunteered to have their cannabis seized by law enforcement, has received a license from the state Department of Justice to sell their weed, and has gone through appropriate background checks.

As the federal government continues to study its policies surrounding cannabis, more states are passing laws that recognize and regulate the sale of marijuana. Currently there are 5 states and Washington, D-Dae USA that have legalized selling marijuana, but only through a license from the state DOJ.

This article will go over some general federal regulations that apply to the cannabis industry.

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