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Growing cannabis is a pretty fun process. There are many strategies and ways to create a successful grow facility. There are literally thousands of cannabis plants in a factory setting.

For instance, you can start with an unopened packing case, add plants as they are shipped, or even start with a couple plants and add more as grow conditions allow.

With all these possibilities, it can make it difficult to determine which growers are the top performers in the industry.

Terra Tech

Terra Tech is one of the largest cannabis companies in California, having opened a new facility in Concord in 2017. The company is known for its high-quality cannabis products and innovative methods for cultivating plants.

Terra Tech began their business relationship with the cannabis industry back in 2010 when they worked with several producers to develop their standardized plant breeding program. This program has helped create some groundbreaking plants such as the famed CBD-rich hashish.

Since then, Terra Tech has worked with several producers including Medi Naturals, Green and Gold, and Greenidas to develop new plants for the market. These include five-finger subreediahashish, a specialized plant that does not have roots, a dragon tree type of cannabis that does have roots, and another that has stems spread across the ground.

These new plants are either released to the public or purchased by industry players as novelty items but quickly put them into circulation because they are unique.

Golden Leaf Holdings

Founded in 2008, Golden leaf holdings is an award winning cannabis cultivation company that currently operates three marijuana farms in California. All of their facilities are licensed to grow up to cannabis plants for sale, as well as production equipment for manufacturing products.

Their headquarters are in Redwood City, California, but most of their staff is located in Oakland, where they have a shared production facility. They contract out their work to different companies depending on the complexity of the job.

This is not just done for security reasons, but also so employees can get direct access to high-quality plants. Having full access to plants is critical when starting a business and when you are ready to go public!

When starting out, many start by purchasing cheap plants from somewhere else and taking what they told them is an initial way of working with this strategy.

Abcann Global

Abcann Global is a Canadian company that has gone on to establish a major presence in the California cannabis industry. Abcann Global has two cultivation sites in California, one in Oakland and one in San Jose.

Both of these facilities are large operations with hundreds of plants. The Oakland facility has been operational for over a year and a half, making it the first California cannabis grow facility to open.

The San Jose facility opened earlier this year and is currently operating at full capacity with over 600 plants. This is an impressive figure for an indoor grow facility as compared to an open field grow site, where plants can be exposed to the elements.

While both Abcann Global Oakland and Abcann Global San Jose operate at capacity, there are often times employees working around their full schedule to accommodate new grows.

Allied Properties REIT

Allied Properties REIT is a California-based company that owns and operates cannabis retail locations throughout the state. Its headquarters are located in Sacramento, but it has operations in San Francisco, Oakland, and Los Angeles as well.

Allied Properties REIT was established in 2016 and began operating its first cannabis retail location in 2018. It currently has nine locations throughout the state, five of which are located in San Francisco.

These five locations are: North Beach Recycling Center, Alhambra Town Center, Westfield Santa Fe Mall, and two Golden State Shopping Centers located in Menlo Park and San Mateo. All of these malls have at least one Allied Property’s store!

Furthermore, Allied Properties operates a number of dispensaries under the Allied Dispensary brand.

Aurora Cannabis

Aurora Cannabis, based in Boulder, Colorado, is one of the largest cannabis companies in the world with a flagship company in California. The company began operations in 2011 and expanded its presence in 2014 with the opening of their Denver headquarters.

Aurora’s Cherry Valley Ranch facility is one of the largest marijuana cultivation facilities in the United States, capable of producing more than 2 million square feet of space. This allows for several large crops to be stored aside from growing media.

To meet rising demand from dispensaries and consumers, new grows are being built at rapid speed.


Aphria is a Canadian cannabis company that has gone into California and done a lot to establish their brand there. They are known for their super-smooth, premium line of cannabis products called Aphrodise.

Aphria has been growing in popularity as more states legalize cannabis, which makes them an attractive grower to established dispensaries looking for high-quality operations. Aphria also operates a retail program called Apothecary in some US cities, making it available to consumers at direct sale locations or through marketplaces like Amazon.

Today, we will looking at the top California cannabis grower and take a look at some of the core values that define Aphria’s business. We will look into some interesting details about this grower and what they are doing to stay competitive in the state.

Green Leaf Medicinals

Founded in 2014, Green Leaf Medicinals is an award-winning cannabis company based in San Jose, California. Their mission is to provide high-quality products at an affordable price to patients, providing them with access to safe and effective medicine.

Their dual-mode cultivation system allows for faster production and a more efficient workflow. It also eliminates the need for a garbage composter which can cost extra money.

The majority of their production is indoor, meaning they do not need to purchase big amounts of dirt oracles to layer on top of their system. The downside to this is that his cultivation space must be larger than a normal house which cannot accommodate all the plants.

Emerald Medical Applications

Known as the state green thumbs, cannabis growers in California are required to be able to use at least some gardening skills. This is one lifestyle you can learn in California!

To be a successful gardener in California, you must know how to plan and plant a garden, how to maintain a garden, and how to market and sell your produce. As an aspiring cannabis cultivator in the state, you can start by learning about growing plants from seed to harvest.

While it is not the best place to learn your basic plant sciences due to limited resources, there are still a few basics that every new grower should know. Starting out can be tricky at times due to the limited resources, so do not make any major changes until you have completed all of the necessary training.

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