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There are a variety of cannabis products available in the state of California for recreational and/or non-medical use. Many of these products are not for the faint of heart, as some are considered to be highly psychoactive (see bullet point).

Some of these items may be a step forward foruman Rights activists, since production is largely geared towards profit instead of public safety. This is concerning on several levels, including environmental and human rights.

This is an overview for recreational consumers, but all types of cannabis are important! There are different types for medicinal purposes, flowers or concentrated compounds, so do not fear if you do not have marijuana yet. You can always get something that works!

You can find all types at your local dispensary or online at various websites.


concentrates are a subset of cannabis products that feature higher amounts of one thing over another. This direction-oriented style has gained momentum as people search for more efficient ways to cope, needed relief can be found in concentrates.

Concentrates were created long ago as a way to break down difficult to obtain materials such as coffee and chocolate and create special products that are more concentrated, or easier to consume.

Many people today use them for pain treatment, since the physical process of using a concentrate makes it less likely someone would consume an entire bag or bottle of medicine. Others use them as an alternative to medication for social purposes, since the less actual drugs they are, the better!

As the term ‘concentrate’ is used more frequently, it becomes more specific which products are influenced by concentrates. These changes can have positive or negative effects on consumers, so it is important to keep this term clear.


Edibles, or food and beverage products, are one of the most common types of cannabis products in California. Most edibles are either chocolate or cookie or snack foods, which people enjoy putting down their tongues and chewing slowly.

Because it takes time to consume a product, it is the most popular way to smoke marijuana. Therefore, people must be careful when making edibles. If people do not take their medication as prescribed, then there is no problem!

Some drugs can get into your blood stream and cause side effects when combined with other things. For example, insulin can cause diabetes mellitus and ketoacidosis (ketones in the blood), which may be problematic for people who do not need to get enough of these chemicals in their systems.

Tobacco-free smokes

There are two main categories of cannabis products: tobacco and non- Tobacco-free smokes. Most are considered “tobacco” even though they do not use tobacco.

Both categories are typically made from marijuana, however, non-tobacco options may be more commonly made from hemp or bamboo. Many of these alternatives are believed to help with cancer treatment, chronic pain, and sleep issues.

While both can be expensive, there are ways to get your tobacco fix without buying it from the ground up. Some companies even offer samples as gifts!

Despite the rising popularity of non-tobacco alternatives to cannabis, there are still some people who want to try something new.

Marijuana flowers

As the title suggests, this is a section for discussing marijuana flowers. There are a variety of reasons why people consume cannabis products, and two of the most common types are Marijuana flowers and concentrated cannabis oil.

Both types can be consumed either fresh or dried. When it comes to consumption devices, there are none as many as with vehicles- only one is currently available for both: smoking.

Smoke is not the best way to consume cannabis because it can can make your mouth and throat dry and unpleasant, not to mention that it is difficult to find quality smoke machines these days due to high demand.

In fact, some people have trouble finding anything that is even remotely effective when they want to smoke CBD products. Most people who try CBD products say they feel nothing but unhappy and/or uncomfortable.

Pre-rolled joints

Pre-rolled joints are the most common type of cannabis product in California. You can find them at most cannabis stores, as well as from certain underground sources.

Pre-rolled joints come in many lengths, from small square pieces called gubs to large round pieces called rolling papers. They are not a specific THC concentration, but a joint can be cut into different lengths of cigarette to receive a higher amount of CBD.

These joints can be used multiple times as well, making for easy access for people looking to use it. It is also very cost effective than buying it in a square piece or cut, which requires more rounds of smoking. This is also very cost sensitive, considering some brands charge more for just a single piece!

Banks andCDC-approved delivery services such as 420 Delivery Services offer CBD products such as tinctures and capsules.

Vape cartridges

There is a new trend growing in urban spaces where people hang out with their phones and computers but not their heads. They call it desktop vaping or vape pen usage.

It is now a normal way to consume drugs and it is being introduced as a tool to increase drug consumption. With the vape cartridge usage, people are finding new ways to consume cannabis, which is great!

The easiest way to use a vape cartridge is by placing it in an airhole of an e-cigarette and charging it up. Once charged, you can take your first inhale anywhere between 15 and 45 seconds before the burn starts and the effect kicks in.


Vaping is a great way to consume cannabis. By using an electronic device and charger, you are able to start mixing your medicine with the air you are consuming it.

There are many brands and models of vaping devices, so this is not a complete guide. Most models can be converted into a sub-device that can be inhaled, or a capsule format that you can swallow.

The beauty of the sub-device is that it can be used as a tincture, or added to another liquid to create a coffee oil, edible, or beverage.


When someone says “topical”, what comes to mind? Maybe you think of a lotion or shaving gel that is placed on your skin, then…

…then …then …then …you apply it to your skin. That is how topicals are used! They are placed on the skin and then applied to the body.

Topicals are usually placed on the skin and then allowed to dry before using. They are typically used under a shower or while sitting in front of a bathtub or kitchen countertop.

They can be fragrant or not, it does not matter because they all put themselve under the hot water and dry them off before using. They can also be caffeine-free or not, just like with cannabinoids-only products.

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