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Cannabis is a diverse plant genre, with many types and varieties around the world. There are several ways to get your hands on a plant, dried or fresh. Cannabis flowers and psychoactive compounds such as tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) are the most noted.

Of the four main cannabinoids found in marijuana, two are known as Δ9-tetrahydrocannabinol (Δ9-THC) and cannabidivarin (cBD). The remaining two are estragole (EstrA) and cannabigerol (CBG), which are called Δ8-THC and cbcg.

While both cbd and Δ9-THC are considered compounds, only cbd can be consumed. Most marijuana strains contain both cbd and Δ9-THC, but some only contain one compound. The ratio of cbd to Δ9-THC varies, making it an individualized strain.

CBD dominant strains

CBD dominant strains are becoming more and more common as cultivation techniques develop. There are currently two methods of CBD production, by using a plant’s fertilizer-like chemicals to create CBD, or by using a plant’s THC to create CBD.

The latter has become more popular as it is less detectable and easier to produce. Today, many growers use THC because of its higher Production Value (PV) value and consumer acceptance.

Many people find it beneficial for their physical health and quality of life, and it is widely available as a subject matter expert (SE) product.

It is often produced as an introductory strain that users can take their first steps on the marijuana social ladder with. It is also popular among clinical trials to test effects on disorders such as pain, anxiety, mood regulation, & function.

Sativa dominant strains

While there are many strains that are indica dominant, the majority of recreational cannabis plants are sativa dominant.

The sativa strain is known for its uplifting, creative thoughts effect. It is also known for its Nakbarva® paint-like patterns that develop as the grower age. As the owner gets older, they can add additional floors to their residence to accommodate their new strain.

As someone who does not get a strong impact from CBDs, this is an advantage.

Indica dominant strains

While there are CBD-dominant strains, the majority of CBD strains are Ghost and Kiefer. These two words refer to their names, which are short for killer cannabis “kief” or “clabber.”

These two words refer to their names, which are short for killer cannabis “kief” or “clabber.” Ghost is a soft, bland phenotype that rarely changes or intensifies during growth. Clabbers typically have stronger flavors and more intense effects than Ghost plants.

Both styles are very popular as beginner strains as they are easy to start and maintain.

Hybrid strains

A hybrid strain is a cross between two or more other strains. Theoretically, this allows the maker of the hybrid strain to create a new, untapped cannabis strain.

However, not all hybrid strains are created equal. For instance, an australian tern plant found in nature that is pollinated by insects can become the basis for a cannabis strain that becomes autumny themed if planted during winter.

These mutations are called recapitulations and can be very attractive as they offer new flavours and effects than those found in the original plant.

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