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2023Learn About Cannabis

Weed And Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks In California’s National Parks

By 22 Apr 2024April 23rd, 2024No Comments

California has more than a dozen national parks, which makes them a very appealing place to visit. Unlike other parks that focus on monumentally tall trees and vast open spaces, these parks offer unique experiences for all levels of experience.

Some of these parks are very remote, offering the chance to learn about wildlife in addition to monuments and historic sites. Others are small, with only a few miles of trail so it is better to ensure your group is prepared for that. Still others are mixture of monuments and natural areas, making it an interesting journey for all.

For those looking for a nature walk that includes cannabis consumption, the small national park called Trinidad Heights in southern California is one of the best places to go.

Effects of cannabis on humans

Weed and Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks in California's National Parks

Not much is known about the effects of cannabis on animals, though anecdotal evidence suggests it may be pleasant.

According to reports, wildlife appears to enjoy its scent and may approach its enclosure to get a taste of the cannabis food source.

At present, there is no wildlife-friendly marijuana cuisine, but when it comes to nature walks, the national parks offer helpful tips.

Some of the more popular plants are ocotillo and yukon prairie grasses, as well as rosemary and thyme.

Medical marijuana cards

Weed and Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks in California's National Parks

Having a healthy bank account is probably the first thing we should do after coming up with a weed and wildlife-friendly nature walk in California’s national parks.

Making sure you are aware of your surroundings is another important thing to do before hiking or walking anywhere. Be aware of your surroundings while hiking, and stay within your bounds while walking.

Unfortunately, parts of California have drug laws, so there are places that have drug treatments. Some states even have “treatments”, like Colorado has had success with administering marijuana to treat certain symptoms, for pain and nausea prevention.

However, most of these treatments are not recommended by medical professionals, as they are not designed for nonmedical use, they do not last more than a day, and they may be ineffective.

Find the right strain for you

Weed and Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks in California's National Parks

A wide range ofpeople find cannabis relaxing, so working with your own strain is the way to go. There are many trusted sources for new plants, blends, and recipes.

Many people start enjoying CBD (a component of cannabis that does not directly interact with our psychoactive system) as a kid, when they watched television series such asfortease or medical documentaries.

This has done much to solidify its place in the community as a whole, as it serves as an alternative treatment for pain and other conditions. Many municipalities have organized CBD tours to help communicate its importance to the community at large.

These types of education programs work because people learn about things through their own experience, not a marketing campaign or lecture. People feel comfortable going on these tours to learn about CBD from people they know.

What kind of weed do you like?

Weed and Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks in California's National Parks

When it comes to marijuana, there are two main types: indica and indica-residual. Indica refers to the plant’s characteristic effect on the user.

Indica strains are characterized by their rich smell and/or taste. Since they are known for producing an intense mood change, people who like to focus in their lives will likely enjoy this cannabis.

Indica-residual strains do not change anything about the plant except its quality of production, usually a whitish liquid that comes out when it is exposed to heat or light. This white liquid is called THC, or cannabis THC.

Because of this, it is important to know what type of THC a marijuana strain has so that you do not use too much (or too little!) according to your needs. There are also cannabinoid levels, or parts of the plant that make you feel something.

Weed and Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks in California’s National Parks

Weed and Wildlife: Cannabis-Friendly Nature Walks in California's National Parks

Walking is a great way to get a bit of exercise and learn some local surroundings. Many parks allow walk-abouts, so not only can you see nature but also other people.

At night, wildlife such as squirrels and rabbits are very active. They look almost invisible in the night time scenes. By walking in a park at night, you are being cautious of your safety.

If you want to try this out, first find a nice clear day in the park and make sure to bring your phone and camera! You can also start simple and go higher later on.

There are many cannabis-friendly walks across California where participants learn about wildlife and how to enjoy nature without affecting its habitat.



at this point, neither cannabis nor wildlife are an issue at either national park. However, if you are looking to expand your outdoors experience, offering opportunities to walk in the forest or prairie is an affordable and appealing way to do so.

If you are looking for wildflower meadows or open woods, California’s National Parks offer both. The most famous of these is undoubtedly Yosemite National Park, with its many beautiful lakes and waterfalls!

If you are looking for rugged coastline or mountainous terrain, both Grand Canyon National Park and Glacier National Park have you covered.

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