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With cannabis as a main ingredient, there are numerous ways to prepare it. Here are few of them!

As mentioned earlier, avocado is a great base for most dishes. It can be used in savory or sweet creations, making it a versatile staple.

Avocados are also high in potassium, which is an essential for building strong bones and muscle strength. As cannabis increases blood flow, rookie chefs can experiment with ways to serve it such as using an oil instead of butter and/or adding some seasoning before baking.

A classic dish that paired well with avocado is zucchini bread.

Cannabis and cuisine pairings

There are several ways to prepare cannabis. You can swap your favorite strains for the classic foods you love, you can make cannabis desserts, chips and dip, drinks, or you can try smoking flowers.

Food is an interesting format to use for cannabis. Cooking with CBD is a fun way to do this. You can make some scrambled eggs or hash browns and really create your own tasting of the food you are eating.

Dip your flower in an oil and then fry it up in a pan so the oil gets spread out and hot enough to smoke it. Or you could use them as a hash alternative!

As both cooking with CBD and sharing your recipes take on different styles of consumption, these two things change up the way someone gets their CBD.

Cannabis-infused dishes

Currently, there is a lot of hype surrounding cannabis culture. Bar and restaurant owners are starting to feature CBD-infused drinks and products, medical marijuana lounges are a common gathering place, and chefs are adding cannabis into dishes.

Mostly known for its recreational use, food culture has adopted the drug as something delicious to eat. From hangover cures to actual meals, there is plenty of ways for people to consume cannabis.

While some people use CBD-rich strains for their effects instead of the cannabis itself, many people do take CBD alongside the drug. This is a good way to increase both their awareness of CBD and food intake with little to no side effects.

Tip of the tongue (ususally takes effect 10-20 minutes after consumption)

While many people associate cannabis with euphoric effects, it can be a very calming agent. Try it while cooking or at least trying it out is a guaranteed crowd pleaser.

Cannabis has been used for thousands of years for its medical benefits. In fact, the word cannabis comes from the Latin word for this plant.

Today, cannabis is classified as a drug in the United States, but not in other countries. You can even buy it over the counter! Most people find that it is more effective than anything they have tried before.

Many chefs are now turning to cannabis for flavor because so few ingredients are present during cooking at high concentrations.

Nose effects

Even though cannabis is marketed as a product for recreational use, many people continue to enjoy it for medicinal purposes. As a result, plant strains are being added to the culinary repertoire.

To make the most of this, people are trained to pair specific strains with certain foods. This is a great way to test whether or not you feel effects from the plant.

While some people report having slight side effects from cannabis, for the most part people experience side effects from other drugs or substances much more heavily. Because cannabis does not seem to affect people like other drugs do, it feels more special when you enjoy it with an unusual dish.

This article will discuss some ways to pair typical cannabis strains with California cuisine.

Upper body sedation

A wild and crazy ride, cannabis has come a long way over the past year. There are now numerous strains to choose from and they are being introduced at every level!

When first introduced, many people were thrown off by the strong sedation that some strains can have. This is not always desirable if you are looking for a more energetic experience. However, this is one of the benefits that listeners gain from using CBD in their food.

Some growers have modified the plant’s natural sedative to create upper body relaxation oil (UBRE). This is done to target certain military personnel who are suffering with PTSD, or from war-time conditions. UBRE has been shown to be helpful in reducing symptoms of PTSD.


While many associate cannabis with euphoric effects, cooking with cannabis can also add a touch of enthusiasm. Using CBD to enhance recipes makes it possible to create everything from tasevra to gourmet burgers, pizza,…

Many recipes that contain cannabis are not only easy to make, but fun to make. A pizza style dish is a favorite food source for many people so creating a pizza was an easy choice.

Using CBD in place of butter or coconut oil makes it possible to add some flavor to foods. Dipping dishes in hemp oil or using coconut oil instead can also be done. These allicken nicely into the dish!

By using hemp oil or butter instead of non-vegan butter or coconut oil, it is possible to change up the taste of the dish.

Appetite stimulation

While many swear by cannabis-infused beverages like tea or sodas with CBD, very few realize how much cuisine dependent on cannabis is actually going to be.

Asinoa, a Spanish-style pasta, is one of the most famous foods served in cannabis cafes in Europe and North America. It is also popular in Mexico and Central America.

In Mexico, pepitas (sunflower seeds) are mixed with chorizo and eaten as brunch items. In Central America, fried potatoes are mixed with CBD-rich marijuana plants to make a dish called bizcochito.

The same happens in Africa where plantain flavored foods are common.

Dry mouth

One of the most common complaints about cannabis is dry mouth. Even with moderate amounts, the compound THC works directly on the mouths muscles to help preserve and maintain balance as you swallow.

This can be helpful if you are worried about gagging, or wish to have a little more before bed so you can sleep in relaxed mode. Luckily, there are many ways to pair cannabis with food.

Some of the best ways to eat cannabis is probably while smoking something hot or warm such as an espresso coffee hash or something warmer than butter but still edible like cake. The other way to eat cannabis is via sublingual sprays or tinctures.

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