Exploring God’s Breath: Unveiling the Mystique and Wonders of This Unique Marijuana Strain
THC or tetrahydrocannabinol is the principal psychoactive constitute of the cannabis plant and one of at least 113 total cannabinoids identified on the cannabis plant.
THC is the naturally occurring psychoactive chemical compound in cannabis that produces the euphoric or “high” effect when taken orally, topically, sublingual or inhaled.
Although THC content in cannabis is one of the main determining factors in purchasing cannabis for many who use the plant, THC contents in higher amounts do not necessarily produce a greater “high”.
The likelihood of becoming dependent on cannabis or THC is relatively low at 8-10%.
Visiting a local Vibe cannabis dispensary near by and talking to a cannabis bud tender is a helpful way to determine the THC content of a cannabis product and it’s effects. All legal cannabis products are required to be labeled so anyone reading the package can determine the cannabis strain information, sativa, indica or hybrid cannabis and total THC content per package.